Wednesday, September 26, 2012

About Dynadollars 1 System For All

We believe that our Creator designed this Earth with more than enough for every man, woman and child to be filled up and overflowing, that abundance is available for all of us.
 Have a wonderful year ahead.


Gifting is the simple principle of people helping people

 "Understanding the Soul of Money -- Never Enough, or Always Enough?" They discuss how people deal with money and how the idea of sufficiency can revolutionize our saving and our spending.

DynaDollars is not a company, business, or Investment Club. We are a belief system, (simply individuals who believe in giving freely to one another unconditionally) with a pure intent to Empower! We are committed to teach people of all backgrounds that they can live an abundant life! We believe it's a divine experience to give freely and unconditionally.


We believe we had designed the easiest yet most rewarding cash gifting plan ever created.

Group of like-minded individuals that truly believe that if you give, you shall receive. The concept of Cash Gifting has been around for ages and with the way the world economy is right now; we can all use a helping hand.

DynaDollars is a Belief System that is based on the laws of our government and our creator and we are a select group of people who are looking for people who are sincere in their desire to help others.


We come together through a unique on-line system that enables us to communicate and feel as if we are a physical group, though oceans and borders separate us.

But there is something terribly lacking in a society that fails to achieve this. DynaDollars has a system where abundance can be infinitely recycled through a perpetual forward progression that is unlike anything you have ever seen in a gifting program.

We offer a private member system that is in your complete control and the currency medium is Ringgit Malaysia. This is where we are different again. You do not need to send physical cash.

 All you need is your Maybank and CIMB account,Cash-outs are equally simple.


         Motivational Article

The Law of Giving and Receiving

By Vered (Tanmayo) Neta
Vered Tanmayo Neta

 Ever since I remember, I've loved to give. I used to give my notebooks to other kids, share my clothes and even give away gifts I had received for my birthday. My mother used to criticize me and say that I was trying to buy their friendship. Maybe she was right, but I found pleasure giving and sharing my things.

As I grew older, I found out that most people think like my mother. I tried to hide it by volunteering for all kinds of activities. But then again I got the message that I was wasting my time, as I "don't get paid for all the hard work". Finally, I stopped.

After many years, I found myself feeling dead inside without any real joy. I realized that I had given up a source of happiness - the gift of giving. With this realization, I began practicing the Law of Giving and Receiving. Whether material things, mental concepts or just blessings.

This newsletter is one of our ways of giving. It is our opportunity to share our experience and knowledge.
After a year, I'm amazed at how much we have received out of it. I am grateful to all those people who allowed us to share our life with them.

This is how the Law of Giving and Receiving works.

Giving is the other side of receiving. Therefore if you wish to receive anything in your life, you first need to give it. It is that simple.

If you wish happiness, simply give happiness to the people around you. If you wish love, simply give love.
If you wish friendships, joy or abundance simply give it to the people around you and you will receive loads of it.

When you withhold your giving, you are withholding your source of abundance. You are stopping the flow of your own energy and you suffocate. No wonder I felt joyless and dead when I stopped giving.

Sounds a little too easy, doesn't it?

Where's the catch?

The catch is that you have to give without expecting anything in return. Giving for the sake of giving.
Only then the flow begins. The intention behind the giving is the most important. The intention has to be for the creation of happiness, harmony, peace and joy, as these are fundamental to life.

The reward will be there when you give from your heart and without condition.

Giving should be a joyful act, just as a child bringing a flower to his mother.

Albert Schweitzer said, "The one who gives is the one that receives most".

The easiest way to fulfill your wishes is by supporting others to achieve their wishes. This principle is true to individuals, organizations, businesses and nations. If you wish to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to give a blessing to all that surrounds you.

Even a thought and silent blessing has the power to start the flow of giving and receiving.

Start practicing the Law of Giving and Receiving and watch your life become abundant and joyful.